Writer Interview-Danielle Kathleen

Describe your day job.

My full-time job is working at EDAWN as the Economic Business Development Manager for Northern Nevada. I help companies that are looking into our area for space needs / broker and developer relationships. I make sure when a business is interested in our area they are connected to the right municipalities and other businesses in the area that can share interest and we help with workforce and data analysis.

Tell me about your latest book.

Forever Deceitful is the second book in the Forever Faithful Series. This is a thrilling dystopian novel that delves into the heart of human resilience and unyielding pursuit of freedom. The story centers are Liz and Zak, who find themselves trapped in a compound ruled by a tyrannical leader known as His Grace. This society forces its inhabitants to live under medieval conditions, with constant surveillance ensuring strict adherence to the oppressive rules.

How do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your writing life?

In the week, I wake up early. I go for a quick bike ride, and then, after making myself some tea, I sit in my office and write from about 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., then I get ready for work. On the weekends, I can sometimes carve out some time, but I also like to give myself breaks.

What podcast/You Tube channel are you following?

I love listening to the self-publishing formula, The Creative Penn and the Dialogue Doctor.

If you had to spend 30 days living in a book (besides one of your own) which one would you choose?

As I am writing my third book in the Forever Faithful series, I am still in the medieval realm and thought process. I would say The Tudor series by Phillipa Gregory. Living in that period, I know, was very dangerous and scandalous, but to walk the streets of London in a different setting as historic as it is already, would be a wonder.

Being able to see the castles we know today as tourist attractions, but back in time to see them used at their potential, and let’s not forget the fashion! Those gowns, that hair! I want to live in it all!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Write something each day. Give yourself that time to allow the words flow and don’t stop. Editing comes later. Just keep going each day.

Autographed copies of my book can be ordered on my website: www.DanielleKathleen.com

TikTok: @authordaniellekathleen

Instagram: @DKathleen_Author

Facebook: Author Danielle Kathleen

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